Security Clearance and Military Defense

Client Testimonials


“Mr. Thomas was appointed to me in 2021. During the beginning of my case he had me watch a documentary to show what would happen if things didn’t go well. Mr. Thomas did not have me watch the documentary in order to break me, but to encourage me to keep pushing, so that I would not give up on the case because he wouldn’t. Mr. Thomas kept me informed and gave me great legal advice. He kept in contact via email and cell phone. Throughout my case he had a plan for all the evidence that the investigators didn’t collect because it was detrimental to their case. I appreciate everything Mr. Thomas did and everything he helped me with during my case. If it was not for him I would not have been able to get back to living my life, and that’s why I would a hundred percent recommend him to anyone in need. Thanks again Mr. Thomas.”

— L.D.


“Mr. Thomas was extremely helpful and very thorough about every detail within my case. He was very responsive and quickly answered any questions I had no matter the time of day. I was very confident having Mr. Thomas on my side during my case and knew it would conclude in my favor. He was very easy to talk to and overall great guy!”

— C.S.


“Mr. Thomas was my military defense attorney. He not only got me out the most insane position, but was able to put me in a spot where my options did not leave me lost. I'm definitely grateful I got the opportunity to work with him because the type of work he put out for me was more than needed. Mr. Thomas was actually recommended by someone to me and when he began representing me I knew I had a fighting chance.”

– R.G.


“Mr. Thomas was able to do what I thought was impossible, he was able to get me the results that I was searching for which was a retention in the Marine Corps. This man fought tooth and nail so that the truth could be told about what actually happened in my case. Without him I don't believe I would have been able to face these accusations and win, especially because of pressure I received from people in my command. Mr. Thomas gave me hope for a better future and successful career.”

– M.G.


“Mr. Thomas helped me considerably during my case and investigation. He sincerely looked into all of the details for it. Mr. Thomas was very professional, punctual, and showed a very high knowledge of the legal system. On top of everything he was also extremely supportive and showed an interest in my personal well-being / mental health during investigation and trial. Mr. Thomas made sure I understood everything and also made sure to follow up with both me and my family even after the trial. I would highly recommend him to anyone facing criminal accusations and if for whatever reason I were to need his assistance again I would be sure to give him a call.”

– N.W.


“Mr. Thomas is the type of attorney who on your darkest day can greet you with a smile, give you the courage to keep taking steps forward, and guide you through the process. He did his due diligence in ensuring all necessary information was gathered and brought to court in order for the ruling to be in my best interest. He also exudes camaraderie and remembers details about his clients lives.”

– H.L.


“I had Mr. Thomas represent me through a special court martial. At the beginning of my investigation I had a different lawyer. Midway through my investigation I was assigned Mr. Thomas and I was extremely frightened to go to trial. The moment I first met Mr. Thomas, however, I knew he was the man for the job. I was finally able to breathe a little sigh of relief knowing he was in my corner. Mr. Thomas kept me very well informed through the whole process, and didn’t stop fighting for me until the very end. I wish was able to write more, however this message would be far too long.  In summary I couldn’t have asked a for a better lawyer.”

– R.G.


“At first, I was not sure what was going to happen to me and my future when I was accused of sexual assault. Due to the allegation, I was also dealing with lots of anxiety and depression. After almost no time at all working with Mr. Thomas, I started to feel much more at ease with my situation knowing the work that he was putting in. I was charged with an Article 120, UCMJ offense after being falsely accused of sexual assault. In today’s society, those kinds of accusations carry an extremely huge weight and tend to lean more in the favor of the accuser. Despite my situation, Mr. Thomas tirelessly and meticulously combed through all of the facts of the case and the discovery in order to build up a defense. On top of that Mr. Thomas took the time to explain the important facts of my case, as well as, the entire court martial process and possibilities of what could happen. More importantly, he did so in a way that me having no legal background could easily understand. Mr. Thomas was also able to answer any possible question that I could come up with. When the date of the court-martial trial came, Mr. Thomas was more than prepared and was able to efficiently dismantle the prosecution’s arguments so well utilizing the facts and cross examination he had the prosecutors franticly looking through their papers and even slapping their foreheads. After not even thirty minutes in the deliberation room, the jury came back with their decision and thanks to Mr. Thomas I was able to get a full acquittal and be found not guilty. I was able to get my life back I was able to sleep again thanks to his diligent and constant hard work.”

— G.P.


“Having Mr. Thomas work on my case was the greatest stroke of luck I have had in a long time. He was dedicated to my cause the second he was assigned to my case. Throughout the process he worked tirelessly to make sure the trial went in our favor. I am thankful for the encouragement and moral support he offered from the first day to the last. For anyone looking for a reliable and outstanding defense attorney, I could not recommend anyone better.”

— J.E.


“It is my great pleasure to recommend Mr. Thomas for legal services.  I was facing court-martial in the Marine Corps after 18 years of service in 2020. Mr. Thomas took my case and all charges were dropped within a few months and I was able to retire from military service this year with full benefits, honorable discharge and full pension.”

– M.S.


“I needed legal representation due to an alcohol related offense. Mr. Thomas ensured that he would do everything possible to get the best possible result. From this experience I gained the result I was looking for. The dedication to my particular case was way more than I could have ever imagined and anyone that seeks his help will truly be thankful.”

– D.B.


"I cannot begin to accurately describe how much I adamantly recommend Mr. Thomas' services as an attorney. Through unrelenting effort, professional skill, and legal expertise Mr. Thomas guided me through the rigors of a legal battle that lasted nearly a year. To coincide with his unmatched professionalism, Mr. Thomas demonstrates a genuine sense of compassion and empathy for those who ask him for legal assistance. I am certain that his proficiency as an attorney and care as a person greatly changed the overall trajectory of my life for the better. There is no better ally than Matthew J. Thomas."

– M.M.


“During my court martial on Camp Lejeune I was represented by Mr. Thomas. The few months I got to spend with him changed my life forever. He recommended Alcoholics Anonymous and that was the first major step in changing my life. Through that program I managed to stay sober and to stay out of jail. Mr. Thomas showed me that even though life can be rough at the times, your actions can create a much better future. I appreciate having him as my legal representative, and I could not have asked for anyone better. Thank you for everything!”

– M.R.